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This game sucks because everyone including staff called me the n word hard r so don’t get this game and if you do the smallest thing you will get doxxed


same bro one of my friends got mass doxxed for the smallest thing ever

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Hey bella love the game super fun I would love to be a staff member as a trial mod or head mod becuase i see a lot of toxic brats in some lobbies and i would love to teach them a lesson reach out to me by replying to this I would love to meet you in game (Edit: Hey Bella I tried to go to the discord so I could do a mod application but it says page is not available and I really want to be a staff member so can you please help me with this because it is my dream to be a mod if you read this thanks)


pls can i have mod my name is wteb

yes, and by the way, once you set your name, you’re gonna need to press enter

yo can i have mod? I would love making tiktoks zabout this game.

Please make me mod

can i pls have mod i will report people that are bad

can i have mod i will report players that are toxic and im good boy soooo yeah.



is it on my acc

best game ever

Fire game🫢

im downloding




need mod cuz games fire🗣️🔥

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idk who you are bruv

im a good boy



